Members of Sligo Drama Circle featured on a programme on Ocean FM’s outside broadcast this morning, Friday December 8th, to celebrate the work of Sligo Men’s Shed. We have previously written on this website about Sligo Men’s Shed, but today was about creating an awareness of the Men’s Shed and the work that they do […]
Tag: Brendan Behan
Drama Circle Celebrates 21st Birthday With “The Hostage”
Twenty one years at the top is a long time for a theatre company by Sligo Drama Circle has been right up there since its foundation in 1956. To celebrate its coming of age and to open the 1977 Summer Season, the Circle has chosen Brendan Behan’s “The Hostage” which goes on in the Town […]
The Hostage
The Hostage, set in a Dublin lodging house of doubtful repute, crowds in tragedy and comedy, bitterness and love, caricature and portrayal, ribaldry and eloquence, patriotism and cynicism, symbolism and music-hall songs, all on top of one another, apparently higgledy-piggledy and yet combining wonderfully into a spiritual unity as well as being a witty and […]