Borstal Boy

This album contains images of the production of Brendan Behan’s “Borstal Boy” in the Hawk’s Well Theatre in August 1984. Directed by Lionel Gallagher, the cast included Terry Browne, Cormac Sheridan, Michelle Fitzpatrick, Adrian O’ Connor, Ronan Mc Dermott, John Holland, Joe Meehan, Niall Henry, James Ryan, Eddie Henry, Paddy Foran, Robert Burnside, John O’ Dea, Kevon Hargadon, Brian Woods, Willie Henry, Kevin Quinn, Padraig Oates, Michael Mc Kiernan, Sheila Boylan, Cormac Sheridan Jnr., Joan Fitzpatrick, Frankie Brannigan, Eugene Higgins, Irene Fleming, Barry O’ Rourke, Michael Murphy, Paddy Dooney, Walter Mc Donagh, Liz Barker, Ciarán Mc Cauley, Shane Boyce, Enda Sheridan, Tom O’ Dowd, John Carty, Brian Fitzpatrick, Darina Gallagher.