Sligo Drama Circle is an amateur drama group formed in 1956 to provide live theatre to the Sligo public. With the disappearance of the professional theatre companies from the Irish scene at the time, and the reluctance of the National Theatre to undertake provincial tours, the amateur movement across the country began to fill this cultural and social void. There were many local amateur drama companies on the scene at the time and it was from one of these companies, Sligo Unknown Players, that Sligo Drama Circle evolved. The Drama Circle was founded in the Autumn of 1956 and had their first production in the Spring of 1957, presenting Gerard Healy’s “Thy Dear Father”, for which they achieved a very creditable second place in the All-Ireland. After fifty years of hectic activity, with the Drama Circle producing as many as four or five plays in some summer seasons, the company is still thriving. Having been instrumental in mooting the idea of the building of the Hawk’s Well Theatre, the Circle is now involved in Young People’s Theatre, the Sligo Talking Newspaper and we also have our own rehearsal space where other smaller productions are presented in a less threatening atmosphere. This website provides more detailed information on all of our current activities as well as looking back at our long and successful past.