Drama Circle Presents O’ Casey Classic

Filed in Press Reports by on January 2, 2014 0 Comments

The Shadow of a GunmanThe Sligo Drama Circle returns to the Hawk’s Well Theatre with eight consecutive performances of the Seán O’ Casey classic “The Shadow of a Gunman”. (August 5th to August 12th inclusive) This entertaining and satirical play is the first of the famous “Dublin Trilogy”, the others “Juno” and “The Plough” also had successful productions in Sligo in recent times. The first performance of “The Shadow of a Gunman” was in April 1923. During that first short run the “House Full” sign hung out for the first time in the twenty year history of the Abbey. Though earning only £4 in royalty, Seán O’ Casey was a new breath of life to a struggling theatre. Re-opening in Horse Show week in August ’23 the extended run was also a sellout earning the princely sum of £20 in royalties. O’ Casey became an immediate celebrity, and Abbey Theatre foundress Lady Gregory gave him her own reserved seat next to W. B. Yeats.

Since the Sligo Drama Circle’s short run in June ’91, director Bill Hickey has availed of the interval to further perfect and reinforce the dramatic impact of this great play. Theatregoers mindful of Bill’s many recent stage successes and his meticulous attention to details, can confidently look forward to a great night’s entertainment. The first “Gunman” was hailed as “Satire in a Class by Itself”. O’ Casey would never idealise violence. Here was an author getting back at war and politics in a somewhat startling manner. Against the War of Independence background are three of the principal characters; Seamus Shiels, heroic in speech rather than action; Donal Davoren the poetic dreamer posing as a gunman on the run; and the youthful and heroic Minnie Powell who fatefully falls for Davoren.

Self-interested types like Owens, Grigson and Gallagher were instantly recognisable to those Dublin audiences for whom self mockery was always endearing. Everyone could identify with Mrs. Grigson’s question “Do the insurance companies pay if a man is shot after curfew?” The complete cast list reads: Kevin Boyle (Donal Davoren), Michael Leyden (Seamus Shiels), Kieran Keeney (Mr. Maguire), Joe Meehan (Mr. Mulligan), Jacinta Maye (Minnie Powell), Chris Feeney (Tommy Owens), Ita Mc Morrow (Mrs. Henderson), Lionel Gallagher (Mr. Gallagher), Winifred Mc Nulty (Mrs. Grigson), Columb Mc Bride (Adolphus Grigson), Kieran Mc Cauley (Auxillary). For a pleasant night’s entertainment, remember the dates, Moday 5th to Monday 12th August ’91 inclusive (eight nights) at 8.30pm.

from The Sligo Champion, July 1991

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