The Show That Stopped A Clock

Filed in Press Reports by on December 31, 2013 0 Comments

A Man For All SeasonsSligo people have been without the most important timepiece in town – the clock on the Cathedral – in recent days because of a play. The Cathedral clock, which rings out fifteen minute time chimes, has been silenced because of the play “A Man For All Seasons”, on the life of Thomas Moore is being staged in the open air in the gardens of the Bishop’s palace opposite. It is the latest exercise in weekend theatre by the energetic Sligo Drama Circle, who have performances tonight and tomorrow, with an afternoon performance on Sunday.

Taking the lead part is Kieran Hickey, brother of RTE actor Tom Hickey,and the local manager of the Northern Bank Columb Mc Bride, who plays the “Common Man”. One of the cast joked yesterday, “With the weather we’ve had, unfortunately what we need is an audience for all seasons. We are encouraging people to bring rugs and to become involved in the play. The audience has to go to the execution to form a crowd and participate in it”.

It is here the Cathedral connection again come in – a watcher in the tower waits for the execution cue and then the funeral bell is rung. But for the remainder of the day the bells are silent.

from The Sligo Champion, June 1978

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