Sell-Out Play Gets Second Run

Filed in Press Reports by on December 31, 2013 0 Comments

Summer Theatre“Step-in-the-Hollow”, Donagh Mc Donagh’s much neglected but hilariously funny comedy re-opened for the final run of Sligo Drama Circle’s Summer Theatre ’73 in the Town Hall, on Tuesday and continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays until September 6th. All summer since Bria Friel opened the season on June 26th, Sligo Drama Circle has been drawing large crowds to the Town Hall with such varied fare as “The Country Boy” (John Murphy), “Arms and the Man” (George Bernard Shaw) and “The Cat and the Moon” and “On Baile’s Strand” (W. B. Yeats).

But the most unbelievable happened on Monday, August 20th when, on the second night of a short two-series run about fifty people were turned away from a packed out “Step-in-the-Hollow”. The play had opened to only a slightly larger than average first night audience on the previous Saturday night but Sligo’s famous word-of-mouth advertising had spread the word over the weekend and Monday night saw a queue stretching all he way down the Town Hall stairs and there was a clambering for seats. Add in the Yeats Summer School students and the result was the largest turning away of people in memory.

Cormac Sheridan plays “District Justice Redmond O’ Hanlon”, the lovable rogue is much more guilty than he tries to be. His performance in the court scene during Act 2 is a masterpiece of comedy timing. Pam Donaghy gives a delightful performance as Molly, the Justice’s amorous “maid” who attracts all the men of the village including the Justice himself, his court clerk and the Sergeant, the latter two being played effectively by Frankie Brannigan and John Sherry. Undoubtedly the fourth love scene with Seán O’ Fenetic, the Department Inspector, must surely rate as one of the funniest scenes on any stage anywhere and the Circle is indeed fortunate to have an “Inspector” such as Rory Callagy. His performance is excellent.

The part most enjoyed by the audience was that of Julia O’Sullivan played by Anne Mc Dermott. Every time she barged onto the stage the houses erupted into laughter and her “evidence” in the court scene is a cure for all bad weather experienced this summer. As her daughter “Teazie” Sheila Horan gives strong appeal and the minor roles of solicitors, public etc. are ably filled by Geoff Rose, Michael Condon, Denise Smullen and Edmund Henry. Lionel Gallagher’s production keeps the pace brisk and the laughter bubbling at the sparkling wit and humour made one wonder why “Step-in-the-Hollow” was so rarely performed. Now that Sligo Drama Circle have re-discovered it, perhaps it will see a revival of interest in this Mc Donagh work in other centres.

from The Sligo Champion, August 31st, 1973

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