Hopes For Theatre

Filed in Press Reports by on December 30, 2013 0 Comments

Sligo Drama CircleThe hope that one day Sligo would have its own drama theatre was expressed by the Mayor of Sligo , Alderman Seán Mc Manus, at a civic reception in the Mayor’s Parlour, Sligo Town Hall, on Monday to mark Sligo Drama Circle’s great achievement in winning the All-Ireland Amateur Drama Festival at Athlone last week. The reception was attended by the members of the group as well as many others who have been associated with the amateur drama movement in Sligo down the years. Ald. Mc Manus said it gave him great pleasure to welcome the members of the Drama Circle because they had brought great credit to Sligo and to its people On their behalf, he wished to thank all those associated with the production for putting Sligo on the map.

The Mayor went on to say he hoped the people of Sligo appreciated the great work being done by the Drama Circle and particularly their magnificent achievement in winning the All-Ireland. He understood the Drama Circle had reached the final nine times, had been second on three occasions and third twice. “They have done Sligo well in their performances”, Ald. Mc Manus said, “and I want to say how proud I ma of them. I hope it is only the start of their success”. The Mayor went on to refer to the Drama Circle’s efforts to get a place of their own and said if they were so successful with just a small room in the Market Yard, he wondered what they could achieve if they had a proper drama hall in the town. “I would be the first to stand up and propose it”, the Mayor continued, “and I would be willing to give any aid, financial or otherwise. You have proved that this would be worthwhile. You have proved your part and I think we, as a Corporation, should now do our part. Let us get together and talk about it”.

Ald. Mc Manus then referred to other cultural groups which had brought great success to Sligo. Many of them, he said, were no longer in existence but he hoped the Drama Circle’s achievement would bring about a renewal of spirit so that Sligo would once again take its place as the cultural headquarters of the North West. There was no doubt but they had the talent and the people and he hoped his appeal would not fall on deaf ears.

Mr. Joe Meehan, Chairman of Sligo Drama Circle, thanked the Mayor for his kind remarks. He said it had always been the ambition of the group since its foundation to win the All-Ireland and it gave him great pleasure to see so many of the founder members present. He hoped the, too, felt their aims achieved. He added his personal congratulations to the producer, Mr. Liam Mc Kinney, for the tremendous amount of work he had put into the show over the months. Replying on behalf of the members of the production team and cast, Mr. Mc Kinney said he felt a deep sense of gratitude to all who had helped in every way and the people of Sligo who had supported him so gallantly throughout the show. He thought it showed that the living theatre was coming back into its own.

Mr. Mc Kinney went on to say he was very impressed by the Mayor’s remarks about a permanent theatre in Sligo and he hoped to see this dream come true in the near future. Looking around him, said Mr. Mc Kinney, he was reminded of the great tradition of the Drama Circle and people like the Unknown Players, whose fame was long in Sligo before he was heard of; the Bernadette Players and B. and P. Productions. He felt very proud and very happy that perhaps a little of their mantle had fallen on the shoulders of the members of the Drama Circle.

from The Sligo Champion, April 24th, 1970

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