Comic Capers From Sligo Drama Circle

Filed in Press Reports by on December 28, 2013 0 Comments

The Odd CoupleWebster defines chemistry as “the science of the properties of substances elementary and compound, and the laws of their combination and action one upon the other”. If you want to see chemistry in action, though, go and see the final performances of Sligo Drama Circle’s “The Odd Couple” this weekend. Put simply, the chemistry that exists between Gerry Ryan (Oscar Madison) and Robert Fitzpatrick (Felix Ungar) on stage makes for a highly entertaining, truly hilarious performance of Neil Simon’s evergreen classic.

The two comedy roles were made famous by veteran actors Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, but Gerry and Robert, apart from not being Americans, play their roles superbly. I had the chance to witness the opening night of this production in the Hawk’s Well on Tuesday last, March 6th. Any anxiety about letting myself in for a rough ride were dispelled very quickly, as soon as the first laugh echoed around the packed theatre actually.

There is only one thing as cruel as sitting through bad amateur drama, and that’s sitting through bad comedy. However, the Sligo Drama Circle have a reputation for excellence which was well founded judging by their latest production. Eight actors and actresses make up the accomplished cast who brought this production to life. Aside from Gerry and Robert, the four mismatched characters who made up the poker playing pals have to be given credit for their superb supporting roles. Murray the Cop (Damien Quinn), Vinny, the hen-pecked husband (John Hannon), Roy the accountant (Eamonn Killilea) and Speed (Lionel Gallagher) the would-be serious poker shark create a superb foil for the drama and actions of Oscar and Felix.

Then there are Simon’s superb comic creations the dizzy sisters Gwendolyn and Cecily Pigeon, played by the delectable Terre Duffy and equally delectable Niamh Curley. Laughs have never come as loud as those from the audience generated by these two ladies.

Theatre in Sligo is thriving, and “The Odd Couple” just proves how healthy it is. Sligo Drama Circle should be proud of bringing such a challenging production to the stage and making it work so effectively. If laughter is the best medicine then book yourself in for a therapy session. “The Odd Couple” runs for two further nights, this evening, Friday March 9th and tomorrow, Saturday March 10th at 8.30pm nightly. Contact the Hawk’s Well on (071) 61518/61526 and book your tickets.

from The Sligo Weekender, March 9th, 2001

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