Sligo Summer Theatre: Why Was the Audience So Small?

Filed in Press Reports by on October 25, 2013 0 Comments

Dear SirNot too long ago I said to someone, “You couldn’t drag me to one of those ‘Little Theatre – Drama Club’ whatever you call it performances, not on your Nelly”. To make a ridiculous story short, I got dragged, and now I am eating humble pie, very humble. I was taken to see a performance of “Philadelphia, Here I Come”, here in Sligo, at your own Town Hall. This was Thursday night last. I am still wondering why the audience was so small. Why do the people of Sligo not support the Sligo Drama Circle? Is it because of the appalling discomfort of your Town Hall? If so, it is time that something be done about it. I suggest that efforts be made by you good people to provide your town with a proper theatre. Make no mistake, your local actors gave a very professional performance and I found very little criticism to make. This was not amateur night in the country. Having seen the play in Dublin and New York, I am in a position to make comparisons.

Congratulations Eily Kilgannon and Brian Mc Hugh, who played the best Lily Sweeney and Gareth O’ Donnell (in public) I have yet seen. Eddie Fitzpatrick did a fine job of Master Boyle. I only wished someone had brushed his coat in the dressing room before he made his appearance. I would hate being upstaged by a powdery coat. Cormac Sheridan gave a sustained performance of a difficult part, and yet I could not find the ‘Gareth O’ Donnell’ of Brian Mc Hugh in it – but that’s only one man’s opinion. Walter Mc Donagh was superb in his last scene. Moments of the play were really inspired. All in all, a well directed play, well produced and well acted, worthy of the writer.

Franken Ernest

from The Sligo Champion, August 4th, 1972

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