Enjoyed Play

Filed in Press Reports by on October 25, 2013 0 Comments

Dear SirDear Sir, I recently had the opportunity to visit Co. Sligo and I found the visit to be completely enjoyable. The beaches are lovely, the mountains breathtaking and the people delightfully friendly. I find, though, that I must especially praise the Sligo Drama Circle. I attended the production of Brian Friels’ “Philadelphia, Here I Come” and I was particularly struck with the high quality of acting. The Mayor of Sligo attended this particular performance and he appealed to the people of Sligo to support the Circle’s production and to help the Drama Circle to find a new home suitable for theatre productions. As I leave Dublin for my New York home, I can only add that I, too, would urge the people of Sligo to attend and support these theatrical productions. If all the plays are as well done and as well acted and directed as the one I saw, then the Sligo Drama Circle offers the best bargain in all of Ireland. I am only sorry that my time schedule does not permit me to see more of these very professional productions.

Sincerely, Miss Luise Bethencourt, 102 Carpenter Avenue, Crestwood, New York, USA.

from The Sligo Champion, August 4th, 1972

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