“Translations” Is First 60th Anniversary Production

Filed in News by on December 7, 2015 0 Comments

poster 1 finalSligo Drama Circle is delighted to announce that it has been granted permission to perform “Translations” by Brian Friel as we embark on our 60th Anniversary year. To have secured the amateur performance rights for one of the major Irish dramatic works, so soon after the passing of Brian Friel, is a massive achievement.

“Translations” can be seen on the stage of the Hawk’s Well Theatre from March 8th to 12th, 2016.

The play is set in August 1833 in the hedge school of the local Irish-speaking community of the townland of Baile Beag in Co. Donegal. It is a time of transition as official national schools are in the process of being established.

At the same time, a detachment of the Royal Engineers is in the area making the first Ordnance Survey maps. As part of their cartography work, the local Gaelic placenames have to be translated into English and recorded.

Events become complicated when one of the local girls falls in love with one of the British soldiers. Conflict is inevitable when the soldier goes missing, presumed dead. The events of the play have far-reaching consequences, both personal and cultural, for the locality.

Translations is a play about love, culture and tradition, and the circumstances that force the break with these traditions. Brian Friel himself said that Translations was “a play about language and only about language”. The locals want to learn the English language so they have a better chance of a job when they emigrate. One of the British soldiers wants to learn the Irish language in order to better understand the Irish culture. It is this clash of cultures that gives the play its tension.

“Translations” is due to go into rehearsals in January, ready for what is hoped to be a wonderful kickstart to our 60th Anniversary year.

Booking for the play is now open on the Hawk’s Well website HERE or by telephone on 071-9161518

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