Pride and Prejudice Men’s Auditions

Filed in News by on September 22, 2014 0 Comments
Mr Wickham

Adrian Lukis as Mr. Wickham

Sligo Drama Circle is planning a production of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” for July 2015. Set in the society of the landed gentry of early 19th-century England, the play deals with issues of manners, upbringing, morality, education, and marriage.

The village of Longbourn, home to the Bennet family, is excited by the news that a wealthy young man named Bingley has rented the nearby manor at Netherfield. After all, the five unmarried Bennet sisters know “it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” Mr. Bingley brings his good friend Mr. Darcy with him, who is as rude as Bingley is kind. Darcy gets off on the wrong foot with Elizabeth, the clever but plain-looking Bennet daughter. They engage in several verbal spars, and as Elizabeth tries in vain to speak for women, Darcy cannot help but fall in love with her quick wit—and her.

Mr Darcy

Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy

Meanwhile, Mr. Bingley and Jane are growing closer, despite the Bennet family’s modest social status, a deterrent that nearly pries them apart forever. The pompous Mr. Collins is in town to make arrangements to inherit the Bennet home (as only men could), and plans on marrying any one of the sisters while he is visiting Longbourn. Mr. Wickham, a dashing young soldier, is in town, too, and he’s got his eyes on more than one of the Bennet sisters… Who does he charm, and what transpired between he and Mr. Darcy years ago?

Mr Bingley

Crispin Bonham-Carter as Mr. Bingley

Sligo Drama Circle is now searching for a dashing Mr. Darcy, a bonny Mr Bingley and a wicked Mr. Wickham! If you think you have it in you to be one of our Romantic Regency men, download the excerpt from the script below and e-mail us at and we will let you know when the auditions are on.

Download Script Excerpt

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