12 Poems of Christmas

Filed in News by on December 20, 2023 0 Comments

As a treat for this time of the year, we have recorded 12 different seasonal poems all with a Christmas theme. We have done this before for Yeats Day each year and have also recently recorded the seasonal play “A Christmas Carol” which you can listen to HERE Following on from the success of these recordings, we decided to record a series of seasonal poems to be released over the Christmas period.

Starting on Christmas Day, December 25th and running until January 5th, we will release a recording of one seasonal poem per day, marking the 12 days of Christmas. The poems have all been recorded by members or friends of Sligo Drama Circle. There is great variety in the poems themselves as well as the voices that you will hear.

Our 12th and final poem in our #12poemsofchristmas series this year is the well-known poem “Journey of the Magi” by T.S. Elliott. It is read by Damien Quinn.
The 11th poem in our #12poemsofchristmas series is a poem called “innocent’s Song by Charles Causley. It is read by Maisie Tansey (aged 6).
The tenth poem in our #12poemsofchristmas series is a beautiful poem called “The Christmas Rose” by Cecil Day Lewis. It is read by Angela McGuire.
“A Christmas Childhood” by Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh is the ninth poem in our #12poemsofchristmas series. It is beautifully read by Ceola Mc Gauran.
“New Year’s Day Song” by John Rice is our eighth poem in our #12poemsofchristmas series and is perfect for the start of a new year. It is read by Ann-Marie Byrne.
“Ring Out, Wild Bells” by Alfred Lord Tennyson is the seventh poem in our #12poemsofchristmas 2023 and is a perfect choice for New Year’s Eve. It is read by Máire Hynes.
“In the Week When Christmas Comes” by Eleanor Farjeon is the sixth poem in our #12poemsofchristmas 2023. It is read by Laura Kiely.
This is the fifth poem of our #12poemsofchristmas 2023 project. The poem is called “Welcome Yule” by George Wither. It is read by Michele Feeney.
This is the fourth poem of our #12poemsofchristmas 2023 project. The poem is called “The Christmas Life” by Wendy Cope. It is read by Lily Tansey.
This is the third poem of our #12poemsofchristmas 2023 project. The poem is called “Pudding Charms” by Charlotte Druitt Cole. It is read by Amber Blake.
This is the second poem of our #12poemsofchristmas 2023 project. The poem is by Irish poet Brendan Kennelly, “The Wren-Boy” an apt poem for the day that’s in it, Lá an Dreoilín. It is read by Fintan Whelan.
The first seasonal poem is “Christmas Day” by Brian Moses. This poem is read by Robert Fitzpatrick

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