The Foreigner

Filed in Productions by on August 10, 2022 0 Comments

We are delighted to announce that our autumn production will be a classic comedy, “The Foreigner” by Larry Shue. Originally published in 1983, the play is regularly performed by professionals and amateurs alike.

Trying to forget his marital problems, dull and doleful Charlie Baker (Robert Fitzpatrick) takes a holiday at a fishing lodge in the Deep South of America. To avoid being pestered by the locals, Charlie pretends to be a foreigner who speaks no English.

This leads him to become involved, at first unwillingly, in bizarre goings-on featuring a corrupt preacher, his pregnant girlfriend, her none-too-bright kid brother and the local branch of the Ku Klux Klan.

This promises to be a hilarious evening of misses – misunderstandings, misadventures, misappropriations and misdemeanours!

This play has previously been referred to as a “modern comedy” and “outrageously funny”. It promises to guarantee a great night’s entertainment culminating in a hilarious climax and heart-warming ending.

After the runaway success of “Gaslight”, Gerry Ryan is in the Director’s chair again. He has assembled an experienced cast for the production: Froggy Le Suer (Roy Mitchell); Charlie Baker (Robert Fitzpatrick); Betty Meeks (Máire Hynes); Rev. David Lee (John Hannon); Catherine Simms (Orla Mc Sharry); Owen Musser (Micki Murray); Ellard Simms (Micheál Kearney).

The show runs from Wednesday September 28th to Saturday October 1st, nightly at 8pm in the Hawk’s Well Theatre. Tickets costing €17/€15 can be booked on the Hawk’s Well website here:

A group rate of €12 per ticket for groups of five or more people can also be booked at the Hawk’s Well Box Office on (071) 9161518.


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