Sligo Courthouse a Unique Venue for “Wasn’t It A Full Life”

Filed in News by on April 25, 2016 0 Comments

DSCF5086Our “Wasn’t It A Full Life” production takes place from Tuesday to Friday this week at 8pm. It takes place in the unique venue of Sligo Courthouse in Teeling Street right in the centre of Sligo.

Taking place in the Circuit Court, its excellent acoustics and ambience makes it a perfect venue for our 1916-themed show. The courtroom features a wooden panelled room, complete with wooden seating, much of it from the original 1870s building.

The iconic Sligo Courthouse building has been the scene of much drama during the 20th Century and we reckon that if a Rising had occurred in Sligo during Easter 1916 surely they would have commandeered the Courthouse! This makes this unique setting a fitting backdrop to the re-telling of the 1916 story.

We are most grateful to the Courts Services, Brendan McDonald, Aoife Brennan and Niall Hopper for permission to use the Courthouse and facilitating the performances.


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