Methodist Church A Unique Venue For “Yeats By Candlelight”

Filed in News by on August 6, 2015 0 Comments

methodist_church_01Our “Yeats By Candlelight” production takes place next week during the All-Ireland Fleadh in Sligo. It takes place in the unique venue of the Methodist Church in Wine Street right in the centre of Sligo.

The newly refurbished church sanctuary has been fitted out with moveable seating. Its excellent acoustics and ambience makes it a perfect venue for our Yeats-themed show. Two large stained-glass windows dominate the background making it a perfect backdrop for the show.

Having previously been used for musical recitals and poetry readings, there is seating downstairs for 100 people with room for a further 60-80 in the pews in the gallery. We are grateful to the Sligo Methodist Church for allowing us to use the venue.

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