Beneath The Bone Moon For Dublin Fringe Fest

Filed in News by on August 7, 2015 0 Comments

beneath_the_bone_moon_2015Huge congrats to Patrick Curley and the team behind the play “Beneath the Bone Moon” for making it to the Dublin Theatre Fringe Fest in September. An earlier version of the play was first staged in the Drama Circle space in the Market Yard in October 2013. This updated version is now set for a week of performances on the Dublin stage, produced by Tintoretto Sect.

The play is set in a dilapidated room, somewhere in this city, where old Thaddeus Edward Cain lies dreaming of a beautiful girl. When his dream is invaded by a malevolent stranger, Cain begins to recall sinister events from his early life. Is Cain merely dreaming, or is this a terrifying vision of reality?

Written by Patrick Curley, “Beneath The Bone Moon” features Emma Dobbyn, Ultan Burke and Patrick Curley. It is directed by Declan Drohan.

More info and booking here:…/whats-on/beneath-the-bone-moon

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