Welcome to Our New Website

Filed in News by on August 22, 2014 2 Comments

WelcomeAfter a lot of planning, designing and preparation especially over the last six months, Sligo Drama Circle is back online with its brand new website. The process to create the new website actually started this time last year when we began thinking about and talking about projecting a new image through a new website. The old website, which had been online since 2006,  had become a little tired, and, more importantly, was beginning to become a little difficult to manage and keep updated easily.

We decided to work with a local company to help us come up with a design for the new site that we were happy with and that we thought would work well. We had to spend some time making sure that we were all happy with the design, layout and functionality of the site before uploading all of the content from the old site as well as adding in some more articles, photos, posters and videos. After this process was completed we moved from this:

Old Website

to this:

New Website

As you can see, the change is huge and it will take some time to get used to. We’ve been working with the new site for quite some time so we’re used to it at this stage. However, it will undoubtedly take regular visitors to the Sligo Drama Circle website a while to get used to finding their way around the new site. We hope that, given some time, visitors will become comfortable with the new look, feel and structure of the site.

We also hope that visitors will engage a little more with the site and make comments. Because the site is blog-based, visitors can make comments on posts – you just need to have your first comment approved to make sure it is not spam and after that, your comments should appear automatically.

Visitors to the site will also notice that they can follow Sligo Drama Circle through the following Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. You can also receive updates about new content on the site by subscribing via email in the box in the right hand column, or by subscribing to the RSS Feed.

Please let us know what you think about the new site and …. Happy Browsing!

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  1. Val says:

    Love the look of the new site

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