“Juno” Jets To America

Filed in Press Reports by on January 2, 2014 0 Comments

St. Louis 1989Sligo Drama Circle’s “Juno and the Paycock” currently playing to packed houses at Sligo’s Hawk’s Well Theatre, is to play in St. Louis Missouri, on St. Patrick’s weekend. Walter Mc Donagh’s production has won a new place in the history of Sligo theatre by being invited to play in the 740 seater St. Louis venue on the nights of March 16th and March 17th. During the sell-out run of “Juno” in Sligo last August, leading attorney and head of St. Louis Irish Cultural Association, Joe Mc Glynn, was in Sligo and was so impressed by the success of the O’Casey play that he set about organising the invitation to the USA. Mr. Mc Glynn has had a long association with Sligo. It was at his invitation that the then Mayor of Sligo, Cllr. Martin Keaveney, visited St. Louis for the St. Patrick’s Day parade in 1973.

So enthusiastically did Mr. Mc Glynn’s party sell the idea of a visit of the Sligo group that all is now set for the entire cast of “Juno” to fly out to Missouri. The travelling party, which includes Sligo’s Queen Maeve, Lucy Mc Connell, will number twenty people. “it is particularly gratifying that founder members Eddie Mc Dermottroe, once again Chairman of the company and playing Captain Boyle, and Director Walter Mc Donagh, should be at the forefront of the tour” a Drama Circle spokesman said.

Other leading roles will be played by Ann Mc Dermott, Lionel Gallagher, Ita Mc Morrow, Yvonne Curran, Ronan Mc Evilly, Francis Curley, Damien Quinn, Kieran Keaney, Marie Mc Tiernan and Joe Meehan. Ms. Mc Connell’s trip is being sponsored by the Sligo Vintner’s Association. Feis Shligigh has also contributed towards the trip, and the Ulster Bank has helped by sponsoring the programme for the current run in the Hawk’s Well Theatre, which continues nightly until Tuesday February 7th.

from The Sligo Champion, February, 1989

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