Drama Circle

Filed in Press Reports by on January 2, 2014 0 Comments

Sligo Drama CircleSligo Drama Circle announced yesterday that the group will be participating in the new National Theatre Festival and will be travelling to three A.D.L. festivals in the March – April period. This will be the first time in five years that the Circle will become involved in competition and the move is all the more exciting because Sligo audiences will also be able for the first time to view a good deal of the opposition when the Drama Circle also hosts a round of the National Theatre Festival in April. The local group will not be permitted to participate in its own festival, but it is expected that a number of other leading groups will be involved.

Mr. Liam Mc Kinney, leading member of the Sligo group and current President of A.D.L., has been asked to direct the Circle’s entry, and he has chosen a masterpiece of the modern French theatre, “Anigone”, and the Circle is making no secret of its aim to win the new supreme award in Irish amateur theatre in the Mullingar grand final next May – particularly in the year of the inception of this new prestige competition. Rehearsals for the play start at 8.30pm next Monday evening, January 5th, in the Columban Club when auditions for parts will take place. Anyone interested in being involved is invited to attend.

from The Sligo Champion, January 2nd, 1981

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