“The Boyfriend” Comes West

Filed in Press Reports by on December 31, 2013 0 Comments

The BoyfriendLovers of musicals, and there are many of them in Sligo, are in for a treta from Saturday 24th November to Saturday December 1st. For those eight nights Sligo Drama Circle will be performing “The Boyfriend” by Sandy Wilson in the Town Hall. Set in the roaring twenties with all the glamour of that era, “The Boyfriend” promises to exceed even the previous successes of the Circle in the musical field such as “Oklahoma” and “Fiddler on the Roof”. Booking opens in the Yeats Memorial Building, Hyde Bridge, Sligo(071-2693) on Monday November 19th and continues daily from 11am to 1pm and from 3pm to 5pm. The opening night is being donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Society and special tickets may be obtained from members of that organisation.

Patrons are reminded that early booking is advisable – many will remember the scramble for seats last year when “Fiddler on the Roof” had an eleven night run – this year the show only goes on for eight nights! You have been warned. Patrons are also asked to note the earlier starting time – 8pm which will have everyone out in time so that the festival club will not be required this year.

“The Boyfriend” is one of the favourite and most tuneful of musicals featuring such numbers as “Perfect Young Ladies”, “Safety in Numbers” and the comedy piece “It’s Never Too Late To Fall In Love”. The dances are the rollicking ones of the era “The Charleston”, “The Riviera” and “The Continental”. Musical Director is Kathleen O’ Hara and Liam Mc Kinney directs the show. This talented duo have assembled a very strong cast supported by choruses and dancing troupes that should make the Town Hall a must for anyone interested in music or theatre.

Rita Barr, Sheila Horan, Barbara Ennis and Martina Cullen play the female leads with support from Mary Flynn, Deirdre Quinn, Maria Kane, Mary Quigley and June Ruigrok, while Kieran Hickey, Damien Brennan, Martin Mc Dermottroe, Michael Mc Niffe are their male counterparts with John Gilmore Tom Loftus, Pat Clifford, Anton Murphy, Neil Mc Loughlin and Bill Barr their back up group. Add in the full orchestra, sets by Tommy Lindsay, Tom Loftus and Frank Canning, lighting by Barry Mc Kinney and costumes by Bernadette Forde and Damien Brennan augmented by Burkes and Derry O’ Donovan’s of Dublin, and we should see a theatrical treat to shorten the dull days to Christmas.

Despite the increased cost of mounting such a lavish production, Sligo Drama Circle has spared no expense for this show and has still kept the admission charge to £1.50 (adults) and £1 (students) with a special student night (seats for which must be booked in advance) on Monday November 29th.

from The Western Journal, November 23rd, 1979

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