Sligo Drama Circle’s Dinner

Filed in Press Reports by on December 30, 2013 0 Comments

Sligo Drama CircleThe annual dinner of the Sligo Drama Circle was held in the Bonne Chere Restaurant, High St., Sligo, on Wednesday night of last week and was largely attended and proved to be a most enjoyable function. Mr. E. A. Mc Dermottroe, Chairman of the Drama Circle, presided and at the end of a most excellent meal welcomed all those present.

Mr. Tom Palmer, Editor, “The Sligo Champion”, proposing the toast of the Drama Circle, said on an occasion such as that it was pleasant to recall hat the Circle had brought fame to Sligo and fortune to themselves, judging by the wonderful array of trophies they had already won. During the few years the group had been in existence, they had contributed much to the amateur drama movement in Ireland and they had achieved for themselves a magnificent reputation. By their continued success at drama festivals throughout the country, they had established themselves as one of the leading groups performing in the North-West. Their work carried with it the hallmark of perfection and indicated the painstaking and serious fashion in which the members of the company approached their productions.

Last year, it would be recalled, the Drama Circle scored a wonderful success with their presentation of “God’s Gentry”, which had already been described most fittingly as an excellent piece of frolic and fun. This year, however, they set their target towards much sterner stuff and in presenting “Montserrat” they gave Sligo one of the finest performances the amateur stage had seen in the town for many years, while providing their audiences with a deeply moving piece of theatre which was worthy of the acting ability of the players. In congratulating the Drama Circle most heartily on its successes, Mr. Palmer said their achievements fully maintained the high standard they had set themselves and that they had added further to their already fine reputation was a matter in which all Sligo people must take justifiable pride. He knew, he added, that he was expressing the wish of all present when he said he hoped that next year and in the future the Drama Circle would continue to prosper and win further fame, not alone for themselves, but also for Sligo.

Mr. Joe Flood, who is this year’s producer to the Drama Circle replied. Mr. Paddy Dooney proposed the toast to the guests, mentioning particularly Very Rev. I. M. Mc Ardle, O. P., Prior, Holy Cross Church; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Flynn, Strokestown; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hughes, Sligo; Mr. Paddy Tynan, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Palmer. Mr. P. J. Flynn, County Registrar for Roscommon and producer of the Strokestown Players, responded. Mr. Mc Dermottroe said the Drama Circle was under a deep debt of gratitude to Mr. Paddy Tynan, producer of the Rathangan Players and to the members of his group. When the Drama Circle found that through illness a member of their cast of “Montserrat” was unable to perform, Mr. John Walsh, of the Rathangan Players, stepped into the part – a gesture which was deeply appreciated.

On behalf of the Drama Circle he presented to Mr. Tynan on behalf of Mr. Walsh, a Walsh family plaque as a token of their gratitude and appreciation. Mr. Tynan, replying, said the Drama Circle had honoured the Rathangan Players by asking a member of the group to take part in their production.

from The Sligo Champion, November 19th, 1960

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