Sligo Drama Circle’s Annual Dinner

Filed in Press Reports by on December 30, 2013 0 Comments

Sligo Drama CircleNearly sixty people attended the Annual Dinner of the Sligo Drama Circle, Held in the Bonne Chere Restaurant, High Street, on Wednesday night of last week, and the function was a thoroughly enjoyable one. An enjoyable meal was provided by the proprietor, Mr Walter Mc Donagh and served by his highly efficient staff, and subsequently there was dancing and many novel concert items presented by the members of this most talented amateur drama group. Mr J. Mc Morrow presided, and in extending a welcome to all present, mentioned particularly the attendance of the Mayor, Alderman James Gannon and Mrs. Gannon. Alderman Gannon, he said, was a man who worked unceasingly for Sligo in all its aspects and took a particular interest in the cultural life of the town, being a wonderful ambassador for Sligo wherever he went.

Mr. Lionel Gallagher proposed the toasts of the guests, mentioning particularly the Mayor and Mrs. Gannon, Very Rev. I. M. Mc Ardle, O.P., Prior, Holy Cross, Sligo; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hughes; Mr. Tom Palmer, Editor, “Sligo Champion” and Mrs. Palmer, and Mr. J. Larkin “Evening Press”, Sligo. Replying, the Mayor spoke of the important part being played in Sligo’s cultural life by the Drama Circle and its members, and said they were fully maintaining the very high reputation which Sligo had in the field of amateur dramatics in this country. He wished them continued success and prosperity. Rev. Fr. Mc Ardle also praised the work of the group and, referring to the importance which drama can play in the life of a community, spoke of the recent pronouncement made by the Bishop of Galway when he condemned the use of coarse and vulgar language in modern plays.

Mr. Tom Palmer proposed the toast of the Drama Circle, and in doing so appealed to the leading drama groups in the provinces to perform worthwhile works by young playwrights who might not otherwise have an opportunity of having their plays presented to the public. He mentioned that about 200 new plays are submitted to the Abbey Theatre each year and about 100 plays are submitted to the Pike Theatre Company. Only very few of these are staged, yet he felt many of those which are rejected had sufficient merit to have them performed, and here was an opportunity being presented to the top amateur groups to give support and co-operation to the country’s budding playwrights. He praised the Drama Circle for their record of continuing success at drama festivals where, he said, they were keeping the good name of Sligo in the drama world well to the forefront. Comdt. E. Gregan proposed a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hayes, who, he said, they were very glad to have with them for their annual dinner. Tom Hayes had left a wonderful impression on the amateur stage in Sligo when he played the name part in “Montserrat” with the Drama Circle, and while they all regretted his illness they were very glad to see him so well recovered now and they joined in welcoming him and Mrs. Hayes back to the Drama Circle for the occasion of their annual dinner. Mr. Hayes, replying, said both Mrs. Hayes and he were very happy to be back among so many of the Sligo friends again.

from The Sligo Champion, November 18th, 1961

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