Sligo Drama Circle Was Missed
“The Sligo Drama Circle was missed on the Western Festival Circuit during the last two seasons”, stated Mr. Eddie Fitzpatrick, the newly elected Chairman, speaking at the annual general meeting of the Circle in the Imperial Hotel, Sligo. The All-Ireland winners, Tuam Theatre Guild and other leading dramatic groups had told him that the absence of the Drama Circle left a big gap in the North-Western Festival Programmes and they hoped that the Circle, which they recognised as a yardstick by which they measured their own success, would be a strong competitor in the field in the coming season. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that he would like it to go out from the meeting that it was the intention of Sligo Drama Circle to do all in its power to become a leading force in the Western theatre world once again.
While the past year had not been an unqualified success as regards productions the entire report of the year’s activities was not on the debit side. A great effort had been made by Mrs. Dolores Corr to get “Dinny and the Witches” on the boards but, unfortunately, circumstances had rendered this impossible. Tribute was paid to the outgoing Chairman, Mr. Liam Mc Kinney, for his success in keeping interest in the Circle alive after this setback and for his production of “Drama at Inish” which had given acting experience to some of the lesser lights of the group and had unearthed some promising and indeed some exciting new talent.
The highlight of the season from the point of view of the more established members of the Circle was their taking part in the Yeats Festival production of “The Playboy of the Western World” under the direction of Mr. Walter Mc Donagh. The Drama Circle owes a deep debt of gratitude to Mr Mc Donagh and all those associated with him in this venture. The annual dinner at the Bonne Chere was an outstanding success. During the season the Circle sent representatives to a meeting which formed a new Drama League for the control of Amateur League in Ireland. Sligo Drama Circle was enthusiastically behind this League and had great hopes for its success.
The loss of Joe and Marie Flood would be keenly felt in the Circle. Tribute was paid to the hard work and efficiency of Mr. Jimmy Gilmartin (outgoing Secretary) and Mr. Joe Meehan (outgoing Treasurer) and both were re-elected unanimously. Officers elected for the coming season were: Mr. Eddie Fitzpatrick (Chairman); Mr. Lionel Gallagher (Vice-Chairman); Mr. Jimmy Gilmartin (Secretary); Mr. Joe Meehan (Treasurer); Mrs. Dolores Corr, Mr. Liam Mc Kinney, Mr. Seán O’ Reilly, Mr. Dennis Barrett, Mr. Walter Mc Donagh (Committee).
from The Sligo Champion, November 12th, 1965
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