Sligo Drama Circle Announce This Year’s Play
Sligo Drama Circle will this year produce “Dinney and the Witches” which has been described as “a frolic of grave matters”, and it is planned to stage the play at a number of drama festivals. This was announced by Mrs. L. Corr at the annual dinner of the Circle which was held in the Bonne Chere Restaurant, High St., Sligo, on Wednesday night of last week. The function was most successful and was thoroughly enjoyable and during the evening a presentation was made to Comdt. Eric Gregan, a member of the Circle for the past five years, who has recently been transferred from the Sligo F.C.A. Unit to Custume Barracks, Athlone. In addition, Comdt. Gregan was made an honorary life-member of the Circle.
Mr. Liam Mc Kinney, who presided, proposed the toast of the President of Ireland and then welcomed all present to the annual dinner. He said the good spirit which has always been associated with the Circle was as much in evidence as ever and this would ensure Sligo audiences of the best show they could mount. Mr. Vivian Francis proposed the toast of the guests, welcoming particularly the Mayor of Sligo, Mr. J. Mc Goldrick P.C., and Mrs. Mc Goldrick; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hughes; Mr. and Mrs John Keohane and Mr. Tom Plamer, Editor, “Sligo Champion” and Mrs. Palmer. He had a special welcome for Comdt. Gregan and expressed regret on behalf of the Circle on his leaving Sligo.
The Mayor replied and appealed for wholehearted support and active co-operation of the members of the Drama Circle for next year’s Festival of Sligo, which, he said, could be of such benefit to the town, particularly from the tourist aspect. He said that Sligo had always been very happy with the presentations of the Drama Circle, which had earned for itself such a high and well-deserved reputation in the sphere of amateur drama in this country. Mr. Tom Palmer proposed the toast of the Drama Circle and said over the years the amateur drama movement in Sligo had been constantly struggling, mainly due, he felt, to the fact that the town lacked any suitable headquarters which could be used by groups interested in the presentation of plays. While some years ago an effort had been made to lay the foundation for the establishment of a little theatre in the town, these had not been successful, but now that an alteration had been made in the constitution of the rules governing membership of the Gillooly Hall he thought the time was opportune for some move to be made to establish this building as headquarters for drama in the town.
Mrs. L. Corr replied to the toast of the Circle. Making the presentation of a wristlet watch and life membership certificate to Comdt. Gregan, Mr. Mc Kinney said for five years past the Circle had been very fortunate to have as a member a man of such outstanding ability, with artistic feeling and a tremendous sense of devotion coupled with an enormous capacity for hard work. The departure of Comdt. Gregan from Sligo meant a very great loss indeed to the Drama Circle. Replying, Comdt. Gregan said he valued very highly the action which had made him a life membership of the Circle and he expressed his very sincere thanks for the presentation.
from The Sligo Champion, October 23rd, 1964
Tags: Annual Dinner, History, Press Reports