Sligo Drama Circle Announce This Season’s Festival Play
At next year’s drama festivals, Sligo Drama Circle will stage “The Crucible”, an intensely interesting and thought-provoking drama by the American dramatist Arthur Miller. This was announced by this year’s producer to the group, Mrs. Monica Toher, speaking at the annual dinner of the Circle which was held in the Bonne Chere Restaurant, High St., Sligo on Sunday night last. There was a large attendance at the function, which was thoroughly enjoyable. Comdt. E. Gregan, this year’s Chairman of the Circle, presided and proposed the toast to the President of Ireland. Mr. D. Mc Govern, in proposing the toast of the guests, had a specially warm welcome, he said, for the Mayor, Mr. James Mc Goldrick and Mrs. Mc Goldrick, who could be said to be representing Sligo and its citizens at their function. He also welcomed particularly Very Rev. T. Moran, Adm., St. Mary’s and Rev. N. Murray, O.P., Holy Cross, and said the Circle were always heartened by the support, encouragement and co-operation they always received from the clergy in Sligo.
In welcoming Mr. and Mrs. J. Keohane, Castle St., Sligo, Mr. Mc Govern said the Circle were deeply indebted to them for always so capably handling the booking arrangements for their plays. In welcoming Mr. Tom Palmer, Editor, “Sligo Champion”, and Mrs. Palmer, Mr. Mc Govern said they appreciated the publicity they always received from the press. He also welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hughes and paid tribute to them for their continued unfailing interest in amateur drama in Sligo and for the fine work they had done over a period of years. Replying to the toast, the Mayor said with his wife he was very pleased to be asked to attend their function that night and he was gratified to see that it was so well attended. He congratulated the members of the Sligo Drama Circle on their wonderful performances over the years and said these had been staged for the enjoyment and entertainment of others and their presentations were always appreciated. In short, he felt that the members of the Circle were doing a really good job. Sligo had been associated with amateur drama for many years and had built up a fine tradition in this sphere. That tradition was now being well maintained by the Drama Circle, whose members believed in presenting good, clean, honest entertainment and in their efforts they were carrying on the history of successful amateur play production in the town.
In paying tribute to the members of the Drama Circle, it afforded him pleasure to say that he knew most of the members both on and off the stage and appreciated them and their work both as citizens of Sligo and as amateur actors and actresses. Another aspect of their endeavours which also appealed to him very much, added the Mayor, was the fact that through the efforts of the Drama Circle some of Sligo’s charities benefited and this was a very fine and noble action on the part of the members of the Circle. Concluding, the Mayor paid a special tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, who, he said, had won the esteem and affection of the people of Sligo through their long and close association with the amateur drama movement in the town.
Very Rev. Fr. Moran proposed the toast of the Drama Circle, and said since it was established, the Circle had brought credit and renown to Sligo. Over the years there had been other amateur groups in the town but now they seemed to have all faded out and it was left to the Drama Circle to carry on the good work. They were doing that with a very great degree of success and, in fact, they had achieved something which no other groups in Sligo ever achieved by their remarkable performance at the All-Ireland Drama Festival in Athlone. While so fart the premier award at that festival had eluded the Drama Circle, still they had come very close to being rated as the country’s leading amateur group. They were, in fact, a strong force to be reckoned with in the drama world and he knew that he was expressing the aim of all when he said they hoped they may, perhaps, attain complete victory in the coming year.
Mrs. Monica Toher, replying, said the Circle had asked her to produce their festival play for the coming season and they had selected a very fine piece “The Crucible”, by Arthur Miller. They would certainly all do their best with this play and perhaps they might ultimately achieve the success which Fr. Moran had hoped for by coming out on top at Athlone. Comdt. Gregan, in paying tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc Donagh and the members of their staff for the excellent meal and the fine service provided, said that entertaining the members of the Drama Circle at their annual dinner, was, he felt, a labour of love for Mr. and Mrs. Mc Donagh.
from The Sligo Champion, December 14th, 1963
Tags: Annual Dinner, History, Press Reports