Official Opening Of Summer Theatre 1972

Filed in Press Reports by on December 30, 2013 0 Comments

Summer Theatre 1972Paying tribute to Dr. Micheál Mac Liammóir, guest of honour at a sherry reception launching Sligo Drama Circle’s Summer Theatre 1972, Mr. Desmond Rushe, of the “Irish Independent”, who officially opened the season, said that interest in the theatre in the Irish countryside had been created and nurtured by the touring companies of the late Anew MacMaster. It was with Mc Master that so many had first encountered the magic of the theatre, the magic that was MacMaster and the magic that was Mac Liammóir. What a pity that the Abbey Company, the National Theatre, did so little in comparison with MacMaster to bring theatre to the provinces. He urged the Drama Circle to press ahead with their plans to build a suitable theatre in the town and asked that its provision be sooner rather than later. Mr. Rushe suggested to the group that when they did realise their dream that Micheál Mac Liammóir be invited to open it, a suggestion that was greeted with warm applause.

The Mayor of Sligo, Cllr. Michael Carroll, congratulated the Circle on the success of the group in the past, particularly the one-act victory at Naas which almost led to a double victory. The Mayor appealed to RTE to show more interest in the activities of voluntary groups such as Sligo Drama Circle, instead of its concentration on canned programmes from Britain and America. The Mayor welcomed the visitors to the town and wished the Circle every success in its summer venture. Mr. Lionel Gallagher, who presided, thanked Mr. Rushe for honouring them in accepting the invitation to open the season. He praised both Mr. Rushe and his paper, the “Irish Independent” for giving the Amateur Theatre Movement the serious and consistent coverage it did throughout the year, especially Mr. Rushe’s Prompter Column, a type of feature no other national paper provided.

Mr. Gallagher thanked Mr. Rushe particularly for bringing Dr. Mac Liammóir to Sligo for the occasion as it was an honour and an inspiration to the Circle to have such a great man of the theatre in their midst. Mr. Gallagher went on to thank North-West Regional Tourism Organisation for its generous support of summer theatre again this year. He also thanked the Yeats Society and the local press for the co-operation they had always given them and the Ursuline Sisters and Summerhill College who so generously gave the group rehearsal facilities. A very special word of thanks was due to the Bank of Ireland Group who had sponsored the reception and the official opening, Mr. Gallagher continued, and he was delighted that Mr. George Molloy, a founder member and a leading actor with the Drama Circle was there to represent the bank together with Mr. O’ Neill. It was encouraging to have the confidence of the Bank of Ireland when undertaking the task of building a theatre.

Mr. Molloy, replying, stated that the bank was aware of all the good Sligo Drama Circle was doing in the community and was very glad to be associated with the summer season. He wished the company well with its ambitious ventures and promised that the Bank of Ireland Group would continue to assist in the future. After the opening ceremony the Circle presented “All Souls’ Night” by Joseph Tomelty. The season continues every Wednesday and Thursday night in the Town Hall until September. Other plays in this Summer Rep. are “Philadelphia, Here I Come” by Brian Friel, “Candida” by Shaw and one act plays by W. B. Yeats. Members of the cast of “All Souls’ Night” which has been produced by Pádraig Foran, are Ann Mc Dermott, Sheila Horan, Liam Mc Kinney, Jim Stanley, Eamonn Martin, Manus Shields and Geoff Rose. For the Summer Season, the members of the backstage team are: Lighting Aidan Sexton and John Mc Gettrick; settings, Joe Meehan, John Burns John Mc Gettrick, Peter Hughes, Walter Mc Donagh, Liam Mc Kinney, and Rev, Bro. Columban; Stage Managers are Seán Scanlon, John Burns, Peter Hughes, Michael Condon, Geoff Rose and Maria Mc Dermottroe. Music will be by Joe O’ Dowd with effects by Rory Callagy, Trevor Johnson and Aidan Sexton. The art posters are the work of Francis Conway.

The season will run until September 7th, and this year, in deference to a locally voiced demand, Sligo Drama Circle are introducing a system of group rates for clubs and others and it is felt that many organisations might wish to avail of this concession. The reduced rate will apply to groups booking ten seats or more and and the rate applying to these will be 25p per ticket instead of the usual 35p. This concession may be availed of only through the Booking Office at Keohanes, Castle St., Sligo (telephone Sligo 2597) and will apply throughout the season except during the period of the Yeats International Summer School. A spokesman for the Drama Circle said this week, “It is hoped in this way to encourage more group outings. We will be very glad to see members of the audience backstage after the shows and people interested are invited to drop in for a chat as the members of the Circle will be glad to have the benefit of different views”.

from The Sligo Champion, May 12th, 1972

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