
Filed in Press Reports by on December 30, 2013 0 Comments

Sligo Drama CircleThis powerfully gripping play by Emmanuel Robles (adapted from the French by Lillian Hellman) turns back the pages of history by almost a century and a half, and brings the scene to the town of Valencia in the South American state of Venezuela, then under Spanish domination. The central figure is a young Spanish officer (Captain Montserrat) whose sympathies lie with the leader of an uprising against the Spaniards – Simon Bolivar. Warning of the plans made for the capture of Bolivar are conveyed to him, and the sinister scheme evolved by the local Spanish army Commander to establish the guilt of Montserrat – whom he suspects of the leakage – and its execution highlight this dynamic production. The atmosphere id supercharged with suspense all through as thrill follows thrill until the action reaches its climax.

No-one can afford to miss the opportunity of seeing this forceful play which will be staged by Sligo Drama Circle (first prize-winners in 1959 Athlone All-Ireland Drama Festival) at Sligo Town Hall nightly at 8.30pm sharp from Sunday 21st to Thursday 25th February (five performances). The hall will be heated. Booking at Keohane’s, Castle St. (3/6). Proceeds in aid of “Little Willie”. This play was “on the air” twice last year from Radio Éireann; it previously had a record breaking run in Dun Laoghaire when presented by the Globe Theatre Company.

from The Sligo Champion, February 13th, 1960

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