Drama Circle’s New Play
The Sligo Drama Circle have gone into rehearsal of “The Curious Savage”, a gentle American comedy by John Patrick, better known as author of “Teahouse of the August Moons”. As far as the group members are aware, this play has not been performed by amateurs in this country before and so far they have been unable to ascertain definitely whether it has been done professionally or not. The play, which will be presented in Sligo Town hall from March 10th to March 14th, and at the local festivals, has a cast of eleven. All the old students of the Circle will be appearing, and Sligo audiences are assured of top entertainment in the best tradition of the group. The Drama Circle would like to avail of this opportunity to wish all their patrons the best of everything for 1963.
from The Sligo Champion, January 19th, 1963
Tags: History, Press Reports