Drama Circle Changes Scene

Filed in Press Reports by on December 31, 2013 0 Comments

Summer TheatreOver the next few weeks, Sligo Drama Circle changes its venue, it productions and its normal Tuesday/Thursday routine with the advent of the Yeats International Summer School. On Saturday 19th and Monday 21st of August, the Circle will be in Summerhill College theatre with three plays by William Butler Yeats, “The Cat and the Moon”, “Purgatory” and “A Full Moon in March”. Walter Mc Donagh is producing all three “in the round” and some very interesting theatre is promised. A feature this year is the presence of Mary Mc Donagh as choreographer and dancer in “A Full Moon in March”. Performances are at 8.30pm both nights and admission is 70p.

Those who saw the opening play of the 1978 summer season in the Retreat House gardens had but one complaint – the weather. Robert Bolt’s “A Man For All Seasons” was a beautifully mounted, acted and presented piece of theatre but the elements kept the attendance small. On Tuesday 22nd and again on Thursday 24th, Friday 25th, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of August producer Liam Mc Kinney stages Bolt’s masterpiece again, but this time indoors in Summerhill College. Nobody interested in an evening with a difference should miss this opportunity of seeing something really worthwhile.

from The Sligo Champion, August 18th, 1978

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