Drama Circle Celebrates 21st Birthday With “The Hostage”

Filed in Press Reports by on December 31, 2013 0 Comments

Summer TheatreTwenty one years at the top is a long time for a theatre company by Sligo Drama Circle has been right up there since its foundation in 1956. To celebrate its coming of age and to open the 1977 Summer Season, the Circle has chosen Brendan Behan’s “The Hostage” which goes on in the Town Hall on Thursday 9th June after an official opening by the Mayor of Sligo Mr. John Harrison. “The Hostage” is only two years younger than the Circle itself but Behan’s wit is as fresh and funny today as when it took London’s theatreland by storm in 1958. To Frankie Brannigan, making his debut as director falls the task of wielding this rollicking mixture of comedy, tragedy, song, dance and musical hall into an integrated whole.

The cast he has assembled is a strong one led by Mick Kilcoyne as “Pat” and Breda Hoban, an exciting newcomer, as “Meg Dillon” his consort. Davis Henry plays the title role of the young English soldier with Sheila Horan as his romantic counterpart. The gloriously comic part of “Monsewer” is played by Ed Jacob with Pauline Mc Niffe taking the major supporting role of “Miss Gilchrist”. Others involved are Fran Hegarty, Billy Teape, Rena Meehan, Nuala O’ Driscoll, Ciarán Kelly, Brian Woods, Theo Bourke, Mary Dorman, Kathleen Lyons, Bobby Browne, Jane Jacob and Rose Shannon. The musical score is in the hands of Mairéad Jennings, Dave Meehan and Ivan Pilkington take charge of the lighting, sets are built by Enda Mc Cauley and Áine Meehan stage manages. The show continues each Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30pm until June 30th. Admission is 60p and is confined to over sixteens.

from The Sligo Champion, June 3rd, 1977

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