Antigone “Brave Choice” By Sligo

Filed in Press Reports by on December 28, 2013 0 Comments

AntigoneCity of Derry drama festival continued at Magee University College last night with “Antigone” by the Sligo Drama Circle. In his adjudication, Mr. Ray Mc Anally commended the group for their choice of play. Though not always viable in the commercial theatre, he said it was a brave and exciting choice for presentation to a festival audience. “To play Antigone is a major achievement”, he said and congratulated Marianne Fahy for her very strong performance in the title role.

He criticised the production for putting too much emphasis on the emotional side of the play and not enough on the intellectual argument. Also the piece slowed drastically towards the end and the audience lost concentration. Likening tragedy to a coiled spring which gradually unwinds, Mr. Mc Anally said in this case the spring had lost its momentum and the continual driving force of the tragedy was missing.

Unknown Press Report, March 1981

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