The Hostage

Filed in Productions by on October 18, 2013 0 Comments

The HostageThe Hostage, set in a Dublin lodging house of doubtful repute, crowds in tragedy and comedy, bitterness and love, caricature and portrayal, ribaldry and eloquence, patriotism and cynicism, symbolism and music-hall songs, all on top of one another, apparently higgledy-piggledy and yet combining wonderfully into a spiritual unity as well as being a witty and often profound comment on Anglo-Irish relations and on the Irish themselves.

The action of the play is set in a very odd house of ill-repute in Dublin where a young British soldier is being held hostage. It depicts the events leading up to the planned execution of an 18 year old IRA member in a Belfast jail. However, the soldier falls in love with a young girl in the house. The play is full of comedy, song and dance and switches suddenly between comedy, serious political commentary and tragedy throughout.

This is magnificent entertainment, full of rollicking comedy, diversified by ballads, satirical songs and dancing and stars many well known Sligo actors whilst featuring some superb new talent.

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