Sligo’s New Theatre Opened By President
“This is a significant occasion not only for Sligo, but for all Ireland”, stated the President, Dr. Patrick Hillery, when he performed the official opening of Sligo’s Hawk’s Well Theatre. “It is not often in the world in which we live that we hear of the opening of new theatres”, he continued. “You have set a worthy headline here. May your good example be followed by other towns and districts all over Ireland”.
An aura of strange magic and mystery surrounded the name “The Hawk’s Well” which had been selected for this magnificent building, he said. Its very sound suggested furtive glances into that lost world of the past which so gripped the imagination of Ireland’s greatest poet, whose own superb achievement was forever inseparably entwined with the Sligo that he loved. Yeats – poet, playwright, philosopher and public man owed much to Sligo. With song, story, lore and legend, this part of Ireland enriched his consciousness and inspired his dreams. From that consciousness and the poet’s dreams came outstanding art which repaid the singular generosity of Sligo and its people a hundred thousandfold.
Yeats was much in love with Sligo, with its lore-lade hills, its lakes, streams, quiet ways and silent places. Above all, he was deeply attached to its people with their natural and unspoilt gift for speech and drama. Often, when far removed from the sight of Ben Bulben and Knocknarea, he remembered those amongst whom he had grown up and expressed heartfelt longing to be back. Sligo well deserved such a fine home for the arts as it had in the new theatre, for it had held a distinguished place in the arts. A theatre of its own had been for many years the dream of many for this old and historic town. But not even “the entire fairy host of Knocknarea” could by magic bring a dream to fulfilment. That demanded determination, dedication, self-confidence and spirit which a worthwhile cause could always inspire.
All of these had been displayed in rich abundance. The Hawk’s Well Theatre was a dream fulfilled for Sligo, and he congratulated most warmly all the selfless people, the organisations, but voluntary and official, and the authorities and agencies, local and national, whose combined endeavours had made this opening such a cause for celebrations. The many-talented Yeats would have been proud that a work of his had given its name to the theatre. He would also have been proud of the magnificent setting, and immeasurably proud of Sligo for showing the way where others might follow.
Mr. Seán O’ Connell, Chairman, Donegal/Leitrim/Sligo Tourism, said it was his organisation’s hope that the Hawk’s Well Theatre would become a focal point in the tourism industry and that, in conjunction with the local trade, tourism would package, promote and sell entertainment linked to accommodation and so establish Sligo and this region as a mandatory destination for visitors to this country. He said entertainment was an integral part of tourism and so it was most appropriate to see this new theatre situated side by side with the regional headquarters. He hoped it was symbolic of the close co-operation and association between the two companies as they grew in the years ahead. When the new tourism centre was formally opened six weeks ago, it was just the first phase of a £½m development which was conceived and initiated by the tourism organisation. The opening of the theatre saw the completion of the final phase of the plan.
Mr. O’ Connell said it was hoped to attract small confederate and business groups from overseas for numbers of up to three hundred people, and already, Aer Lingus in New York had indicated their interest in the project following the visit to Sligo of their Sligo-born manager for New England, Mr. Colm Mc Morrow. Aer Lingus Conference and Incentive Sales Manager in North America, Mrs. Ann Tolan Murray, another native of Sligo, had also expressed great enthusiasm for the project. “I hope this amenity will be fully appreciated by the people of this area, apart altogether from the enjoyment it will provide to our visitors”, said Mr. O’ Connell.
Bord Fáilte and the Regional Tourism Organisation shared a common objective which was to enable the people of Ireland to benefit from the promotion and development of tourism. This objective specifically took account of the quality of life and development of the community. “This facility had been provided by the communal and joint support of the Arts Council and Sligo Corporation in conjunction with Bord Fáilte and our company. We are indebted to them for their support and commitment. With Sligo’s tradition of interest in theatre and the performing arts, I have no doubt hat the Hawk’s Well Theatre will become a forum of enjoyment and entertainment for all who come and that it will herald a new era in tourism for Sligo and this region”, said Mr. O’ Connell.
The Mayor, Cllr. Eugene Henry, said the official opening of the purpose built theatre, the first of its kind this side of the Shannon, at a quite substantial sum of a quarter of a million pounds, was an acknowledgement of the richness of the many arts in Sligo and Connacht. It was the fulfilment of the dreams of many artists – people like Jim Wynne, Alfie Rochford, Joe Burns, Charlie Hughes and the one and only Margaret Hughes who formed the “Unknown Players”, a group that brought many honours to Sligo. Sligo Drama Circle had been founded in 1956 to promote higher standards in local drama and to increase the range of plays to Sligo audiences. Since then, the Drama Circle had produced plays by major Irish, European and American Playwrights, and was recognised as one of the leading provincial companies. “It is fitting that all this is happening on or about their 25th birthday, and what a nice birthday present it is”, said the Mayor.
In 1966, the Drama Circle had been invited to perform plays by Yeats as part of the programme of the Yeats Summer School. Arising out of this commitment, the group embarked on a series of short, summer season of plays by Irish authors, and in 1970 it was decided to extend the summer season as a contribution to Sligo’s tourist industry, and a summer theatre came into being and had now led to what was seen as the theatre on opening night. I hope that the people who come after us will realise the work that has been done to preserve the arts in Sligo. I hope that the artists who perform here will get fulfilment and enjoyment from playing and performing to full houses always”, said the Mayor who, in conclusion, paid tribute to the architects and builders, and to the Bishop of Elphin, Dr. Conway for the provision of the site.
Welcoming the President to Sligo, County Manager, Mr. Paul Byrne, who is Chairman of the Hawk’s Well Theatre Company, said his attendance acknowledged the important role which the theatre would play in the cultural and artistic life of the region. Mr. Byrne thanked the Mayor and members of Sligo Corporation; the Chairman and members of the Arts Council; Bord Fáilte; and the Chairman and Board of Directors of Donegal/Leitrim/Sligo Tourism whose initiative and financial support has made the new theatre a reality. He also thanked the clergymen who on the occasion of the opening of the theatre complex, blessed the building and the theatre. He complimented the architects, Messrs. Patrick Rooney and Associates; the structural engineering consultants, Jennings and O’ Donovan; the mechanical and electrical engineering consultants, Delap and Waller; the contractors, Maloney and Taylor; and the various sub-contractors and their workforce for their skills and efforts which had resulted in a fine theatre for Sligo.
“I wish to congratulate all those who over the years have promoted and produced dramatic and musical performances of such a high standard in Sligo, thus encouraging and sustaining the cultural and artistic life of the city, and all who in any way, big or small, supported and promoted the concept of a new theatre in the capital of the North-West. Tonight, their dream has become a reality”, said the manager. He also thanked the Druid Theatre Company, Sligo Drama Circle, Sligo Choral Society and the Sligo Branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóiri Éireann who provided the varied programme of drama and music for opening night. He thanked in a special way the various firms and individuals who had provided sponsorship for opening night. Their generous support was deeply appreciated and would, he hoped, act as an incentive to many other companies and organisations to emulate their generosity. He also specially thanked the numerous volunteers both backstage and front of house who had given so generously of their time and talents to get the opening under way.
“To everybody who in any way, big or small, helped us to achieve the dream of this fine new theatre, and which the constraints of time prevents me from naming individually, may I offer our very sincere thanks”, the Manager went on. He paid tribute and conveyed the company’s thanks to it Artistic Director/Manager, Miss Rhoda Mc Manus, who had worked so diligently and energetically since joining the company in October to get the theatre project under way. “In conclusion, may I offer the wish and hope that the Hawk’s Well Theatre shall in the years ahead become a source to which people of all ages will come to avour the beauties and joy of all that is best in the world of drama, music and the performing arts”, said Mr. Byrne.
Mr. Colm O’ Brien, Director, Arts Council, said the opening was an important occasion in the life of the arts in Ireland, and he added the Council would offer the project support and encouragement in the years ahead. The opening finished with a night’s entertainment. The major item on the programme was the performance of “Much Ado About Nothing” by the Galway-based Druid Theatre Company.
from The Sligo Champion, January 15th, 1982
Tags: A Theatre For Sligo, Hawk's Well, History