Beneath the Bone Moon
A Chamber Piece for Two Monsters and A Dream
In a dilapidated room, somewhere in this city, old Thaddeus Edward Cain lies dreaming of a beautiful girl. When his dream is invaded by a malevolent stranger, Cain begins to recall sinister events from his early life. Is Cain merely dreaming, or is this a terrifying vision of reality? Sligo Drama Circle invites you into the strange, twilight world that lies Beneath The Bone Moon. A chilling one-act play for the Hallowe’en season, this unique theatre-installation was designed to mould and adapt to different environments and is therefore presented at three different locations in Sligo.
♦ Friday, October 18th , Sligo Drama Circle, Market Yard, Sligo, 8pm.
♦ Saturday, October 19th, The Yeats Memorial Building, Douglas Hyde Bridge, Sligo, 7:30pm and 8:30pm.
♦ Monday, October 21st, Upstairs in Tricky’s McGarrigles, O’Connell St., Sligo, 8pm.
Beneath The Bone Moon features Emma Dobbyn, Ultan Burke and Patrick Curley.
Written by Patrick Curley. Directed by Declan Drohan.
Please Note: Beneath The Bone Moon contains strong language and adult themes. The performance lasts approximately 30 minutes.
Tags: New Writing, One Act, Productions